A Brief Pictorial History of Diamonds

And their journey from formation a billion years ago to discovery

The story of a diamond is as transparent as it’s ever been in human history. Ironically, there is still a lot of mystery and allure into what makes a diamond, a diamond, and how we got to where we are today. Furthermore, with the popularity of synthetic or lab-grown diamonds and diamond simulant alternatives on the rise, it is worth taking a look at how remarkable, long  and arduous the journey of a mined diamond truly is. Truly the oldest thing we will ever hold in our hands. Enjoy and appreciate this unique historical journey of a diamond told with the help of hand drawn illustrations.  

Earth’s Formation


It all begins approximately 4.0 Billion years ago, during the early stages of Earth’s formation. Well before the time dinosaurs started roaming the earth. Carbon crystalises under extreme heat and pressure due to constant geological movement and activity 100 miles below the Earth's surface.  

Diamond Formation


As a result of this naturally occurring activity, diamond crystals begin forming deep within the Earth's mantle. This is an extremely slow process and takes many hundreds of millions of years for large enough crystals to form.

Volcanic Eruptions


A chain of geological events then transports these diamond bearing fragments trapped within rocks via a funnel of volcanic magma closer to the surface. Upon cooling, deep narrow cones or pipes of solidified magma are formed. 



These diamond bearing rocks also known as kimberlite or lamproites are again carried over millions of years closer to the Earth's surface by subsequent volcanic eruptions. Natural erosion and running water spread these diamond bearing rocks over wide areas. The deeper parts of these kimberlite pipes can remain unaffected and solidify in the ground. 

Alluvial Deposits


This diamond bearing rock is washed down due to erosion and the constant tumbling action of running water and strong winds. Over time these diamond rich fragments are deposited along riverbeds and sea shores far from the origin of the volcanic pipes that brought them to the Earth’s surface. This 'rich in diamonds' gravel and soil is known as alluvial deposits.

To be read in conjunction: Where Do Diamonds Really Come From

Diamond Discovery


In 800 BC, the first alluvial deposits were discovered on the riverbanks of southern India, the first discovery of diamond.

Myths and Beliefs


Diamonds were surrounded by myths and superstitions and were used to ward of evil or used by quacks in wrong medicinal practices.



Later, diamonds were used in trade, in exchange of spices and goods and were also used in jewellery for royalty in India.

Diamond Engagement Ring


In 1477, for the first time ever diamond was used in jewellery when Archduke Maximilian of Austria proposed with a diamond engagement ring to a Hungarian Princess.

Hope Diamond


Since 1631, The famous blue ‘Hope’ diamond has carried a big historical myth that it brought bad luck to whoever owned it. It now lies safely at the Smithsonian Institute for all to see.

Kohinoor Diamond


In 1852, the ‘Kohinoor’ diamond was re-cut and embellished in Queen Victoria’s crown. This triggered a diamond rush throughout the world.



Mining on a large scale began in 1860 and continental Africa became the largest source of diamonds in the world. Diamonds became affordable and desired by the masses for use in jewellery.

A symbol of luxury


Circa 1948, DeBeers launches the world renown ‘A Diamond is Forever’ Campaign. The diamond jewellery business was never the same again.

Diamonds are Forever


It has taken billions of years to reach where we are today. The love, emotion and uniqueness associated with diamonds, however, lasts forever.


Did you enjoy this quick lesson about how diamonds are formed? And I hope this has left you with a greater appreciation of naturally occurring diamonds. We love teaching people about diamonds, so don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!
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Nikhil H.

Written by Nikhil H.

Digital Creator | Founder of @pprxteam | @northeastern & @startupInst Alumni | www.nikhathi.com.
Graduate from North Eastern University in Boston, this esports team owner is also an expert on certified diamonds. Trained at GIA, New York, Nikhil carries with him 5-years of experience in the diamond business and has a fresh, unconventional writing style that resonates with today's Gen Y and Z.

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