Top 6 Tips to Know Your Partner's Engagement Ring Style

Sure and simple methods to find the right ring style

You’ve decided that you want to take that next big step and it’s time to commit on that ring, but you’re clueless. Fortunately, there are innovative and time tested ways to second-guess your partner’s preferences, making the process of determining their ring style seamless. Let’s talk you through our tips, which will help you to customize a ring that (hopefully) goes beyond your fiancé-to-be’s expectations!

1.  Keep An Ear Stretched for Dropped Hints. 

Firstly, your partner may already have an idea of the kind of ring they like and hints might surface in casual conversations you have with them. For instance, listen to comments made about rings their friends have received upon being proposed to. Whether they love, dislike

Can you speak louder

or are neutral about the design or the main stone and metal combination, you could gleam a ton of information about their preferences. And unless you have a great memory, it’s always a good idea to make note of these snippets of conversation for later reference.


  1. Listen to Dropped Hints
  2. Follow Partner's Style
  3. Scope Out Social Media
  4. Consult Partner's Friends
  5. Casual Window Shopping
  6. Ask Partner Directly

2.  Be Attentive to Your Partner’s Style


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Pay attention to your partner’s existing jewellery style and peek into their wardrobe. Notice what they wear often and what they don less frequently - these details will come in handy to assist you with the ring design.  Before you start shopping, look for answers to these questions:

  • Do they more often wear yellow gold, white gold or silver jewellery?
  • Do they own diamond jewellery? What does it tell you about their sense of style?
  • Do they keep up with the latest fashion and often add new items to their wardrobe? Most likely they’re going to want something modern and ‘popular now’.
  • Do they like timeless pieces? Neutral tones? Clean cut, versatile and tailored clothing? Most likely they’re going to want a classic design.
  • Do they love vintage, antiques and sentimental things? Most likely they’re going to want a family heirloom or something that has an Art-Deco or Victorian look.

Answers to these questions will provide useful clues regarding your partner’s style, but it is also important to take into consideration your partner’s daily routine, lifestyle and work life as the ring design you choose will have some impact on these aspects of their life.

3.  Scope Out Your Partner’s Social Media Posts


Messaging on Instagram

As we all know, the internet is a great tool and there is so much out there to provide ideas and inspiration. Perhaps your partner has a Pinterest account where you could do a little 'investigating' and scout their saved engagement ring / jewellery examples or ‘wish list’.

If they are on Instagram, it may also be worthwhile to have a look at which jewellery and luxury brand accounts they follow to give you an indication of brands and styles they’re interested in. Follow their posts discreetly if you don't want to alert them that you are snooping. 

4.  Involve Your Partner’s Friends

If you can trust them to keep a secret and not spoil the surprise, then it’s a good idea to involve a friend (or relative) of your significant other who knows them best and may know what ring they are hoping for.

Bring them along to shop with you and help narrow down the choices in finding that ideal piece of jewellery. Make sure to be discreet about these meetings though, especially if it’s going to be a surprise.

5.  Do a ‘Casual Browse’ When You’re Out Together


Window Shopping for Ring

Whenever you’re next at the mall, do a little window shopping with your partner and take note of any stores or designs that catch their eye. You can gravitate towards jewellery store windows and say that you’re “simply curious” or “just browsing”. This may clue your partner in that you’re thinking of proposing but ultimately, it will still remain a surprise. The cat may have 'meowed' but is not yet out of the bag. 

6.  If All Else Fails, Simply Ask Your Partner


A chat over coffee

If the above suggestions aren’t working for you  and you’re not brave enough to play the surprise game, then it’s best to just be direct and ask your partner what are they looking for in their engagement ring.  

You can go shopping and enjoy the process of fussing over/customizing an engagement ring together or you can ask them about the look and diamond size & shape (or gemstone) which they desire – to get some insights but let the final ring selection be your own.

It is of course important to work within your budget as much as possible, but remember that the ring is ultimately for your partner to wear, to cherish and to be proud of - so stay close to their preferences.

Now that you’ve read through our ‘top tips to determine ring style’, and you are well-poised to take that next big step, have you also read our complete guide to diamond engagement rings?

And to add to that, do you know your partner’s ring size? We have some useful strategies to help you figure that out too. Armed with all this knowledge and confidence, it’s time to head to Facets to make that last decisive move.

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Ekta H.

Written by Ekta H.

With a background in media and communications from the University of Melbourne, Ekta manages the marketing and PR for Facets. She is also a freelance event planner and naturally, loves to throw a party.

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